If you have any questions which aren't answered in our FAQs below please feel free to contact us.
1. Why harvest rainwater?
Harvesting rainwater is a simple and effective way of reducing our impact on the environment as well as reducing water bills. At the moment, rainwater is captured, treated and delivered miles from where it will ultimately be used and much of it is wasted on flushing the toilet. It is a little known fact that for many households the supply of rainwater falling on a roof is of the same order of the flushing demand of the household. All our systems are optimised to provide a pay back of less than 10 years
2. How much water is saved?
This depends on a number of factors and what package is adopted. For a typical household in, for example, Manchester UK, a basic system will deliver up to 90% of the flushing demand which is the equivalent to 27% reduction in water usage!
3. What happens when it doesn't rain?
Our systems and packages are unique and innovative as they have a no-power operated mains back up system. This is achieved through a special valve which detects when the water level is low in the tank and allows the tank to be topped up to a preset low level. There will always be water in the tank when it is dry and there will always be storage available if it is then to rain following a dry period.
4. What can I use the rainwater for?
The water can be used for irrigation, flushing the toilet and supply for the the washing machine as long as appropriate filtration has taken place.
5. How will rainwater affect my toilet and washing machine?
Harvested rainwater is soft and so the washing machine will not build up internal limescale, which shortens its lifespan. An additional benefit in hard water areas is that less detergent is required which means less money spent and fewer pollutants released into the environment.
6. Is there a risk of contamination?
No is the short answer. There is no opportunity for the mains potable supply to mix with the rainwater supply since an air gap is established between both systems.
Drinking Water
7.How do I know if a storage tank is suitable to hold potable water?
Potable water tanks must be made out of materials that adhere to WRAS (Water Regulations Advisory Scheme) a certificate of conformity will be issued to the manufacturer and will be present during purchase.
8.How can I tell what my water pressure is?
If you do not know your water pressure get in touch with your water company and request the average water pressure for your area. Alternatively use a pressure gauge on a T on the incoming water main.
9.How often do I have to replace the filter in home water filtering system?
It is recommended that you replace the filter every 3 to 6 months. You can replace the filter sooner if you notice the water flow is slowing down or the water starts to discolour.
10.What will a home water filtering system remove from my water?
Contaminants that the filter will remove form the water could include traces of heavy metal, fluoride, bacteria, pesticides, viruses and even certain hormones.
11.How does a septic tank work?
A septic tank works by allowing the liquid and solid waste to separate. The first chamber largely captures the solid waste before discharging the liquid into the other chambers. This solid waste is then broken down over a period of time
12. How often should I get my septic tank emptied?
The frequency in which your septic tank needs to be emptied will vary according to size and manufacturers specification. However it is also good practice to empty the tank every two – five years.
13. Should I buy a plastic or concrete septic tank?
Most septic tanks installed these days are constructed out of reinforced plastic meaning they are just as strong as any concrete tank. They are also single piece so there is no risk of leaks; Concrete tanks often have the lid fitted following installation which over time can become susceptible to leaks and other damage associated with installation.
14. Do I need a license for a septic tank?
The permitting around septic tanks and small sewage treatment plants varies depending on how much wastewater you are processing and discharging and of course how you are discharging it. It is therefore imperative that you contact the environment agency to see which of these permits you will require.
15. What alternatives are there to cespools and septic tanks?
An innovative range of package wastewater treatment systems are available which provide a very high level of primary (settlement) and secondary (biological) treatment. These systems can allow the effluent to be discharged to watercourses and the land.
Water Saving
Will flow regulators affect the pressure?
The regulator is designed to reduce the flow rate and not the water pressure. A minimal pressure drop can sometimes be experienced, however this would not be noticeable in typical applications
16. Are regulators maintenance free?
Yes, under normal plumbing conditions the flow regulators are maintenance free. Regulators fitted in combi/condensing boilers are not even included in the servicing programme.
19. What cost savings are achieved by fitting a flow regulator?
This will vary from one installation to another but on hotel retro-fit projects where water related costs* have been recorded, savings have always exceeded 25%.
17. At what pressure will the flow regulators work?
Flow regulators are designed to operate between 1 and 10 bar, however the regulators do begin to function at around 0.5 bar.
18. I've seen voucher codes on a voucher code website are these real voucher codes?
Unfortunately the majority of voucher code websites are spam websites used only to harvest traffic, data and customer information.