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Solutions for a Water-Secure World

Solutions for a Water-Secure World

Water Crisis

 “We never know the worth of water till the well is dry” said Thomas Fuller.

Global research has shown that 785 million people worldwide live without clean, safe, readily available drinking water close to home, and 1 in 4 of us don’t have a toilet of our own. The threat to water security has also caused around 60% of the earth’s ecosystem services to deteriorate. The development required for sustainability will only be achieved with a water-secure world. 

Despite the millions of people without water; in the UK alone, an average person uses 150 litres of water every day. Water is essential for our everyday activities with 27% of it being used for bathing and toilet use and six and a half gallons of water needed for a toilet flush. Installing simple water metres in houses and at workplaces helps to monitor the usage of water and reduce our water footprint. 

Reducing everyday water consumption will save energy, reduce carbon dioxide emissions and help to achieve a cleaner lifestyle. A number of creative technologies are introducing innovative ways in an attempt to scale down the vast number of people without water. Promoting hygiene is one of the most cost-effective health interventions and will save thousands of lives daily. 

ESC Scheme

Energy Systems Catapult is a not-for-profit organisation which is working to transform the UK’s energy landscape to be clean, secure and affordable. It looks to bring innovative companies together to deliver integrated solutions which will be beneficial for consumers. It has identified 184 innovative energy companies who are revolutionising the future of energy in the UK. 


Clean technology is helping to reduce negative environmental issues and obstacles by significantly improving energy efficiencies. Cleantech covers a broad array of technologies; including recycling, purifying water, renewable energy, green transportation, green chemistry lighting etc. Financially funded programmes and aforementioned schemes which help to reduce global warming and spread awareness of climate change are known as carbon projects. Providing technologies to purify water via the use of solar power and innovative water recycling also plays a vital part in cleaning up our act. 

Water Recycling Systems

Efficient, affordable systems have been in place for many hundreds of years, dating back to the Neolithic Age when waterproof lime plaster cisterns were built in the floors of houses. The Rain-Water harvesting System acts as part of a Sustainable Urban Drainage System and was created to reduce water over-heads in an attempt to counteract the water crisis. 

An example of this which is powered by the laws of gravity alone is the Gravity-Fed Water System. This is used to pull water from springs, streams and rivers upstream or uphill from a water source and doesn’t require the use of pumps or electricity. It can also be used for flushing toilets by allowing ground-floor toilet cisterns to fill and flush using rainwater and is the simple in-expensive alternative to underground rain-water systems which require high installation, operational and maintenance costs. 

About the Organisation

Energy Systems Catapult

If you’re a digital energy innovator who is working to achieve clean growth and water security, the Energy Systems Catapult Innovator Support Platform can offer bespoke support and strives to overcome systemic barriers, de-risk innovation and secure investments. 

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